ArenaPlay Technology Implementation
ArenaPlay adopts zero-knowledge proof and multiple account mechanisms to guarantee the anonymity of transactions. Zero-Knowledge refers to the ability of a prover to convince a verifier that an assertion is correct without providing any useful information to the verifier. ArenaPlay is a cross-chain and cross-smart contract technology using zero-knowledge proof technology.It is possible to prove the authenticity of the data without revealing private information to the authenticator, and to confirm the transaction with multiple signatures with multiple public keys (addresses) and one private key, so that the authenticator can determine the authenticity of the transaction, but cannot know the sender's address. Considering the huge volume of data interactions in ArenaPlay, we use an authentication scheme whose security is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms, which can be precomputed to reduce the amount of real-time computation and the amount of data to be transferred. In order to generate the key pair, first the parameters of the system are selected: the prime p and the prime q, q is a prime factor of p-1. p ≈ 21024, q > 2160, and the element g is an element of order q, l ≤ g ≤ p - 1. Let a be the generating element of GF(p), then we obtain g = a(p - 1) / q mod q. A trusted third party T distributes to each user the system parameters (p, q, g) and the authentication function (i.e., T's public key), which is used to verify T's signature of the message. Given a unique identity I for each user, user A chooses a secret key s, 0 ≤ s ≤ q- 1, and computes v = g-s mod p; A sends IA and v reliably to T and obtains a certificate from T, CA = (IA, v, ST (IA, v)).
The agreement is as follows.
(1) Select a random number r, 1 ≤ r ≤ q - 1, and compute x = g r mod p, which is a preprocessing step that can be completed before B appears.
(2) A sends (CA, x) to B.
(3) B solves ST (IA, v) with T's public key, achieves authentication of A's identity IA and public key v, and transmits a random number e between 0 and 2 t - 1 to A.
(4) A verify that 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 t, compute y = (s e + r) mod q, and send y to B.
(5) B verifies that x = gyve mod p. If this equation holds, then the identity of A is recognized as legitimate.
The security is based on the parameter t, which is chosen large enough to make the probability 2-t of correctly guessing e small enough. The proposed t is 72 bits, p is approximately 512 bits, and q is 140 bits. This protocol is a zero-knowledge proof of s, and no useful information about s is exposed during the authentication process.
If anyone knows p or q, he will be able to easily construct zero-knowledge proofs to make double payments for anonymous transfers, enabling the augmentation of money in anonymous systems. Therefore, these secret parameters need to be securely destroyed as soon as the public ones are generated. For this reason, ArenaPlay held a special Parameter Generation Ceremony and designed a multi-party computation protocol to allow multiple independent organizations to collaborate on parameter construction.
ArenaPlay not only allows for two-way encryption during asset transfers, but also for many other areas that require the highest level of transaction privacy. privacy, and encrypted communication across platforms.
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